BBW Admire


56 - Straight

Bristol, United Kingdom

Jun 1, 2024 22:35

I am a writer, constantly creating short stories, scripts and screenplays, essays, social-commentaries; and currently working on / struggling with a debut novel which has organically-evolved into a sprawling unintended epic... besides writing, and reading (absolutely everything, is research, for me... even if I am being simultaneously entertained, it is all still work...!), I absolutely love music... and have tried my hand at various percussion instruments, jamming with many musician friends, over the years, playing African Djembe, Cuban, Arabic Darabuka, and Indian Tabla hand-drums... I am also completely obsessed by, and totally in love with movies, and always have been, ever since I was a child... I have been a vegetarian since about 1991, don't drink alcohol, have never owned a car, or a dog, and mostly travel by pushbike... I just absolutely love to talk... about almost anything and everything... I am fascinated by many things, and could happily discuss them all day long... such as literature, cinema (as already mentioned and heavily emphasised...!), art, music, architecture, history (both kinds: History with a Capital 'H', and social histories in lower-case...), anthropology, politics, science, philosophy (again, Upper, and lower case...), psychology, mythology and folklore, life, the Universe, and everything... in fact, You name it, and I will no doubt probably love to talk about it...?!



Age: 43 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 41 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 31 / bi

United Kingdom


Age: 51 / straight

United Kingdom