BBW Admire


59 - Straight

western australia, Australia

Jun 17, 2019 01:56

My personality hmmm. Well I'm bloody funny, crack myself up mostly.
Jolly I am by nature but also have great depth and intelligence. Extremely cheeky and flirty but I'm old not easy.
I do see things with silver linings and am a consistently positive person.
Certainly not aggressive and prefer the same in those around me.
A compassionate, rare and unique sheila, country raised, polite and kind.(blowing my own trumpet) oh and not vain at all, however very confident. Communication is the basis of all great relationships, so with me that means wit and honesty.
I am seeking Love so what ever journey it takes to find it I will hold on tight to what I deserve. I'm looking for my bloke ,not many. His own whipper snipper and a vasectomy would help.
oh just a note ,if you don't fancy us gorgeous, confident larger gals then not going to be a good start..