BBW Admire


69 - Straight

Montana, United States

Jun 3, 2019 19:46

It used to be said that the best way to learn to swim is to be thrown into deep water. Though I don’t hold with that theory in regards to swimming, it seems to be true in other situations: sometimes you’re just thrown in, and you either sink or swim. Widowhood is that way; life, as a whole, seems to be that way. I’m one who has learned to “swim”. Widowed three years ago, I’ve managed to gather my resources together, and move on. I have a business selling lingerie out of my home with such success; I’m planning to move my little enterprise into a real shop soon. It hasn’t been an easy transition. I am, however, a strong woman, focused, determined not to let life pass me by. A cheerful outlook, a sense of humor, are qualities that make a difference. Life is what we make of it, and I intend to grab what’s left of it, with both hands! That’s why I’m here. What is lacking in my life is a partner. I hope to find a man whose personality complements mine, someone who is as independent as I, but recognizes the comfort of having a supportive mate, there to share the best life offers, and willing to shoulder with me, the worst. I’m a woman with a great deal of the child in me still, enjoy amusement parks, finger painting, days in the sun. If my partner still has a little of the “boy” in him, it would be wonderful! But if life weighs heavily now and then, I’d be there for him, or would understand the need for alone time; we all need that sometimes. It would be terrific if we could share pastimes, and I’d love to learn to appreciate his, and hope he’d learn to enjoy mine. Perhaps we’d learn to appreciate others new to both of us, as well. I’m looking for, at the least, a long-term relationship, one that includes a foundation built on communication, honesty, affection, companionship. If those are qualities that you value, too, I hope that you’ll contact me



Age: 34 / bi

United States


Age: 49 / straight

United States