BBW Admire


28 - Straight

Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom

Jan 23, 2018 16:23

Right now I'm looking for a relationship, or at least someone to talk to
Basically, I'm more of a message me and see what happens kind of person, you can read anything you want in these descriptions and it can all be rubbish, but you'll never know till you actually speak to someone you know?
But here's a few things to interest you aha:
I'm a student, I like food, I like reading and writing, I'm a classic pc gamer and just pretty ok aha
Apparently you're not allowed to make jokes on your profile or people will send you hate mail, so I'm going to have to remain boring and dull on here sadly, but yeah, I try to be funny and often fail miserably but hey, at least I can laugh at myself
I think you might get the point so I won't blather on, message me, or I will message you, whats the worst that could happen? ^.^



Age: 62 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 56 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 53 / straight

United Kingdom