BBW Admire


42 - Straight

Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Aug 24, 2014 18:54

I hate doing these. You have to sound so perfect. This is how it is. Most of the time I am pretty laid back. I have my moments. But who doesn't? I have piercings and tattoos. I try to stay clean shaven. Just depends whether I can be bothered or not to have a shave. I am learning to use photoshop. A little bit of a hobby. I don't watch much TV. Prefer to listen to music. I am into all kinds of music. Even classic FM. I have a daughter who is with me every other weekend. Keeps me on the straight and narrow. I go out sometimes. But not as much as I used to. Must be my age and I think and I have grown out of the boozing phase. I still give it a go when I do go out. Plus I do a lot of driving. I work for an electric gate and barrier company. So my hours are all over the shop. I go to work in the morning. Knowing what time I will get home, is like trying to predict the lottery numbers. If I did meet someone on here. And you wanted someone that does a 9 - 5. I am not for you. I am not looking for anything serious. More of lets meet and have a chat (not f/buddy. That is not my intention). Just something to do at the weekends to kill a bit of time.



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Age: 60 / straight

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Age: 42 / straight

United Kingdom


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Age: 39 / straight

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Age: 61 / straight

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