BBW Admire


44 - Straight

Cheshire, United Kingdom

Jul 10, 2016 09:39

I'm a middle 30's suburbanite so I love cafe culture, socialising with my friends and meeting new people. I also like to cook and keep fit, especially love the water so I swim several days a week. I have a job that I love and that adds to my generally happy and confident outlook on life.
I have too many qualifications but they have taken me to live in America, Australia and all over the UK. I am now happy and settled back in Manchester and I really love my city. I'm intelligent and well educated but I see practical life skills, social intelligence and experience as vital and much maligned elements of intelligence so I don't think paper credentials are the only marker, and they certainly don't define compatibility. However, I do like to discuss politics/social phenomena and my background is in philosophy so I need friends/partners to be interested enough to want to participate.
I am caring, considerate and compassionate. I am very tactile and active and I want a partner to share in my fabulous life, both the quiet moments cuddling up on the couch and the dynamic trips to far flung regions.



Age: 64 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 33 / bi

United Kingdom