BBW Admire


38 - Straight

Cheshire, United Kingdom

Sep 9, 2016 01:10

Yeah so hi, my name's Gareth I am from a small village on the outskirts of Chester called Hawarden. I don't find stuff like this all that easy, but then again, who does?. I have been self- employed now for about five years,I am the manager of two different companies that I own and run, one is a catering company the other is small light removals company. I also market goods for sale in an online shop and trade on sites like e -bay. Each day is very different, I make effort to keep my work life separate from my home life and I generally succeed up to a point. Family is extremely important to me. In the past I have been a keen fisherman, but I haven't been fishing for about two years ( real fishing - you know, with worms and maggots). One other thing about me is that i've always enjoyed a good read, in fact, I prefer the books to the films.

In terms of what I am looking for age differences either way are no big deal, race doesn't matter to me either, or height. I think that partner height is more important to women than it is to men. When it comes to physical attractiveness in women, (obviously I can't speak for all men) but for me, it is definitely more about shape and proportion than it is about height, or the inflated size of any one particular body part. Intellect is important to me, but I am less interested in what you know and more interested in how you arrived there if that makes any sense? Language, is also very important to me. I am looking to meet someone who speaks good English. I do speak some Spanish, but not enough to have a relationship in. I don't think I am being unreasonable when I say, it is a must for me that the person I meet is just as single as I am right now. I just want to point out that, that does not include those people who are desperately hung up on someone else and who want to use me as a pawn in some tisted little game. I'm not a toy. As it says in my info above, if I like you and you have children, having children isn't a turn off for me. In an ideal world, I think that the right woman for me would be someone who also hates cold weather and who is also in a position to be able to live abroad for let's say at least two months out of every year. I realise that few people can actually do this and that I have been one of the lucky ones, so it's not a deal breaker

I know it is usually women who are supposed to say this, but hey it's 2016 damn it, so i'm gonna say it too confidently and with conviction. "Please do not contact me If you are just looking to get your leg over, try choosing someone who gets their kit off in their profile picture".

Changing the subject and moving swiftly on, I do actually have one deal breaker and I apologize in advance if this offends anyone. It is going to have to be a no, if you are the owner of a horse, or if you have spent your whole life yearning to own one. I do realize that they are intelligent animals, but I am not comfortable around them mainy because of their size, strength and unpredictability*. I do however get on well with most dogs and most cats. (if i could underline any one word in this profile it would be the word most).

I'm hoping to use this site to save myself a bit of money (ha-ha-joking). No, seriously, I am hoping to use this site to maybe meet someone with a curious mind, a daring adventurer, and someone with both passion in their heart and conversation in their mind. I think equals is a very s*xy concept, having your sh*t together, now that's even s*xier. lol

* For some reason, on more than one occasion horsey types that have read my profile have gotten in touch with me in an effort to convert me. Non so far have succededed. If you are one of them, this message will self destruct in the next five seconds. No seriously, I don't contact girls with headlines like looking for my hayemaker or looking for my Anthony Joshua, so if your horsey this fish ain't bitey, not unless that is, your names Zara Philips and you just broke up with Mike Tindall, schwiiinng.



Age: 35 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 64 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 65 / straight

United Kingdom