BBW Admire
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36 - Straight

Surrey, United Kingdom

Aug 6, 2014 00:47


Now that I've got your attention, I bid a warm 'hello'. Is that a new haircut? It isn't? Well, it looks fabulous all the same.

So, to me. I'm a twentysomething redhead Londoner with interests in film, books and c**ktails. 65% Goth, swears quite a bit, listens to pop and 80s synth, knows jokes and will tell them. I've got a near-the-knuckle sense of humour, finely honed from many an hour messing around on Reddit. I have a highly tuned air of comedic grumpiness which you will find endlessly endearing, naturally. We can talk about Stephen King and watch horror films together, gently debate whether I need another tasteless blouse in my wardrobe, and there may well be mating the like of which the Discovery Channel has never seen.
Who knows.

If you're a white nonsmoking guy under 35 and all this sounds intriguing, drop me a line.



Age: 50 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 63 / straight

United Kingdom