BBW Admire
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59 - Straight

Arizona, United States

Jun 7, 2021 20:18

First let me start off by saying please don't ask me for a picture for some reason whenever I attempt to post a picture here it never gets posted. I don't know if they have an approval system here or what but for me it just doesn't work.
Next, we all know that we are drawn to certain features and personality traits in a potential lover/boyfriend/partner so these are mine.
I have always, even in my 20's, preferred younger men. I am 55 and enjoy being with men that are between the ages of 40 to 50. I also am more attracted to men that are of average weight or have a few extra pounds. I tend to gravitate towards men that have brown to black hair and are Caucasian. One of the most important qualities in a man, for me, is someone that can carry on a great conversation being intellectual or having a wide range of interests is beyond s*xy (also check your grammar and spelling can't handle either of those if they are bad). I would prefer to receive messages from people that live in my state; I've done the long distance relationship and it is rather difficult. Also, if you are an outdoors type of person pass me by; I am in indoor girl.
If you chose to message me, please have something written in your profile that says something about who you are maybe you could share your future goals/aspirations and especially important is what do you enjoy doing in life.
So with that said, I will tell you a bit about me. I have a full time job in a professional environment and work long hours but am lucky that when work is done, I don't have to bring it home. I love to spend time at home cooking, writing, reading, watching movies and sometimes doing craft projects. I work long hours so spending time at home is nice and I like the peace and quiet. On a Saturday, you will find me out running errands and on Saturday night you would find me trying a new recipe for dinner and settling down to watch a movie. On Sunday, I like to make a big breakfast and watch old cartoons. In the afternoon, depending on the time of year, you may find me reading or writing and possibly watching a football game depending on my mood. I also enjoy spending time with friends, I have a small group of close friends that I enjoy going out for coffee or eating a meal with but we all have busy lives so that is sometimes hard to find time.
So now its your turn, please don't just send me a wink that is rather impersonal I'd rather have you write something to at least have me go and view your profile.
In closing, if you put credence to astrological signs, I am a Virgo and definitely have the Virgo traits, You might want to do some reading and let's see if you can catch my attention.



Age: 54 / straight

United States


Age: 38 / straight

United States


Age: 45 / straight

United States


Age: 59 / straight

United States


Age: 61 / straight

United States


Age: 55 / straight

United States


Age: 63 / straight

United States


Age: 44 / straight

United States


Age: 27 / straight

United States


Age: 63 / straight

United States


Age: 63 / straight

United States


Age: 41 / bi

United States