BBW Admire


72 - Straight

Arizona, United States

Nov 11, 2019 20:59

Seriously? How do you describe yourself without sounding egotistical, narcissistic or just plain obnoxious? I'm short, weigh too much (I put the big into big beautiful woman), very sassy and stubborn. I love online gaming, no not Candy Crush...war games. I love to read as much or more than gaming. I don't act my I supposed to? I have a warped sense of humor and love to laugh. I spent too many years in a business suit, now I am happy in my jeans and bunny slippers. Scared yet?

I am loyal, honest to a fault, caring, understanding and prefer laughter to arguments. I always try to see the other person's point of view. I believe you should always take care in what you say, cruel and hurtful words cannot be unheard. When I love it is with every fiber of my being, you would never have to wonder.

If you are looking for someone to go camping or hiking with just hit the X now. My idea of roughing it is the Embassy Suites without room service. I don't fish, golf or play sports. I don't do well in the heat, I get grumpy. Like I said...honest to a fault.

What do I enjoy? Country music, movies as long as it isn't a chick flick (just shoot me now!) I would rather watch things blow up, action/adventure, mysteries, science fiction are all good. I like board games and playing cards. I will watch football, basketball, hockey and auto racing with you I love looking into the eyes of the person that makes my heart beat faster and my tummy flutter, long talks, hugs, snuggles....hmm, If you want to know more you will have to ask.

What do I want in the perfect man? I don't, perfection is boring. It is all the little imperfections that make you a unique person. A sense of humor is an absolute necessity! I do need honesty, never lie to me and we will be just fine. I like tall men with face fur, but the lack of either isn't a deal breaker. Patience is a must as I'm sure I will test it...I did mention I was sassy didn't I? Communication is necessary...I am not a mind reader. I am, however, planning on enrolling in ESP 101 just in case. I don’t want a bad boy, I want a bad a$$ man who has his act together rather than a prim and proper stuffy snob. Jeans are a yes a In case you were wondering a bad a$$ man can still be polite, loving, caring and loyal. I would enjoy an old fashioned man's man, one who knows how to take charge and stands up for what he believes in.

What don't I want? I don't want someone who is not healthy. I'm not talking a bad knee or back. I don't want a smoker or someone who uses drugs. I do NOT want anyone who is married...seriously, what are you doing on a dating website?!?

What do I believe? I believe Jesus Christ is my savior, no I'm not going to lecture you about it or try to force feed my beliefs. I believe in allowing everyone to make their own choices in life. I believe judging others is not my responsibility nor do I want to. I believe in love and happiness. I believe that a relationship should not be a 50/50 deal, if both parties aren't giving 100% that relationship will fail.

Ok guys just a little advice...if you don't have a current photo NO ONE is going to want to answer you. Also, 99% of us do not care about your vacation pictures, pics of your truck or your back yard. Another thing, those of you that post a pic (and I mean the only pic you posted) of you and three or four of your buddies...what the heck?!? What are we supposed to do play eenie, meenie, minie, moe? Also, if you can't take the time to fill in your profile what makes you think we would be interested? I don't own a crystal ball and my ESP class hasn't started yet so please, give us some details! Remember to be honest because unless you plan on being pen pals for life we are going to find out if you really are a romantic and if you look like your 20 year old picture...just saying. One last thing...I DO NOT want a long distance relationship so if you are on the other side of the country good luck with your search.

Wow, that was way more than I planned to say, thanks for sticking around this long!



Age: 55 / straight

United States


Age: 63 / straight

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Age: 44 / straight

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Age: 63 / straight

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Age: 61 / straight

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