BBW Admire


44 - Straight

Wisconsin, United States

Sep 18, 2020 22:44

Kik me at ShawshankSB.
It isn't just about looks. Do they matter? Sure. Does there have to be an attraction? Yes-I get that. I'm fully aware, but I also believe there is someone out there looking for I am. And if my profile or photos don't make it clear, in a big girl. If you're wondering, "why is she pointing that out?", it's mostly because I'm trying to be as upfront as possible.

Here are some stats about me...
I'm 40, around 5'9/5'10. I have greenish eyes and brownish hair. I'm kind of nerdy (I could watch Jeopardy all day), but I'm cool with that. My faith is super important to me. I love to leaad worship and sing a few weekends a month. I like to read, write, sing, spend time with family, have game nights, go to bonfires, etc. I don't have any kids, but I know I want them! However, I want a husband first. This is by no means me saying I wouldn't date a man with kids. I love kids!!

I work a lot right now, but I'll make time for you if we connect. That's important!

What about you?...
You should be single. Yeah, I feel the need to point that out. I'm not at all in the business of coming in between families/marraiges. You should be in your 30s or 40s, because I want to be with someone close to my age. You should want a relationship - something long term. I'm not looking to "date around", I want to find someone I connect with who inspires me and I him. You should be compassionate. Things should mean something to you. What those things are is your choice, but I know there's got to be something, right?

What I DO NOT want...
A guy who is judgemental
A guy who has to show dominance. There is a difference between chivalry and chauvinism. I want a partner who can take the lead, but wouldn't be offended if I did. But don't worry - I'll leave it to you a lot.

I know that was more than a mouthful, and if you're still here...hi

From here, the rest we can get to know about each other. I want to hear from you. I'm a good listener. I'm a pretty cool girl, too. At least my friends seem to think so. Give me a chance to show you.



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