BBW Admire


59 - Straight

West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Apr 6, 2018 10:24

I try my best to be a gentleman, to be non judgmental, have a happy-go-lucky outlook on life and retain my sense of humour. This is the third dating site I've..experienced, and have come to the conclusion that having a brilliant profile blurb counts for nothing if you just don't float someone's boat, so it really doesn't matter if you write like d**kens, Shakespeare or J K Rowling, the heart wants what the heart wants.
I like women to look like women not girls auditioning for Belsen (no offence intended) but hey that's my personal preference. No, I am not a weirdo (my ex wife's opinion doesn't count), a stalker (if you could double for Kirsty Allsop or Adele then that might change) or a serial killer and that is all the selling of myself that I am going to do.
Oh and just to save any budding amateur detectives from only messaging to enlighten me, yes I do wear my late fathers wedding ring.



Age: 20 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 57 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Matt H

Age: 40 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 58 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 40 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 42 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Danny boy

Age: 37 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 48 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 56 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom