BBW Admire


65 - Straight

Montana, United States

Jul 11, 2018 21:23

Being a Pisces Woman I am a dreamer with rainbow and unicorn tendencies; not to worry though as I will return to reality. My spirituality is very important to me and cannot be compromised. I believe we each are on an individual life journey with many twists and turns; hills and valleys determined by which paths we choose. I am very compassionate, a great listener and an empath. I'm not into game playing. Respect is huge for me...we are all unique individuals. Trying to change the personality/core of an individual is a no-no. We either mesh or we don't. I am up for spontaneity and adventure while at the same time a simple and/or quiet activity is great. I am going through a divorce right now so, at this time friendship is what I am seeking.



Age: 49 / straight

United States


Age: 34 / bi

United States