BBW Admire


64 - Straight

Louisiana, United States

Mar 22, 2021 23:44

Firstly,i am a man of my words.I am mixed race and raised in Tanzania which means I am African American,I consider myself to be an enlightened, articulate individual who is open to many ideas and opinions. None of us is completely right about anything. I try to keep myself in reasonable shape but know that there is plenty of room for improvement. I enjoy less structured workouts such as a bike ride on the open road or a good trail, a good game of pick-up basketball, hiking in the mountains or simply working in the yard.

A good evening can take many forms. Perhaps dinner and a play or a good concert. Dinner can either be out or at home. (Home is more fun. I do like to cook but do not consider myself a gourmet by any stretch of the imagination. I love good movies and tend to favor ones with good stories over explosions and special effects. I understand Piedmont Park is a great place to hang in the summer with their movies and art shows. And let's not forget simple conversation. A good bottle of wine can spark a great debate. (What fun would it be if we both held the same opinion?) My favorite topic is anything. I prefer to know a little about a lot of things rather than a lot about one thing. I do enjoy discussing science and religion, which can take more than 1 bottle of wine.

I am not a big sports fan but do occasionally enjoy taking in a Braves game. Watching on TV is a last option for me as I'd rather be out doing something more interactive. I do, however, enjoy watching my Tar Heels in basketball or NY Jets in football. Tennis, depending on the opponents, would be another choice.

I would consider myself a simple man with simple tastes. My jeans are Levi's or Carhartt. I like plaid. T-shirts, sandals and shorts are my summer wardrobe,Caps. I try not to have any pretense about myself. I know that many, many people are on here and other places looking for you as well. I feel that none of us are any better or worse than anyone else, just different. Everyone has something unique to offer. It's just getting a chance to show that. I have been called handsome by some but not many and certainly not me. I know my strong points and weaknesses. I am resolute in my opinions but am never myopic.

My partner would be someone who is independent and wants to be with me, not necessarily needs to be with me. You would not be easily impressed and are quite capable of making up your own mind. While strong, however, you don't mind letting me be a gentleman and open doors for you and treat you to an occasional surprise bouquet. You are strongly self-confident and are above intimidation. You work at bettering yourself every day and do not feel that you are perfect as you are. You like structure but are open to the occasional unplanned weekend trip.

I have only touched on myself and what I would like in a companion. I think that if you try to get too detailed and too specific here you tend to contradict yourself and close the door to intriguing options.

If you think you might be interested in finding out more about me I would love to hear from you.

Best of luck.


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