BBW Admire


56 - Straight

West Midlands, United Kingdom

May 18, 2020 04:07

Right then what to write about yourself that makes your profile stand out from the crowd....

Well I'm nuts as my friend's lovingly describe me but with so much fun and a zest for life which holds no bounds, Too much for some not enough for other's, I have four kids who are my world but are all independent now or live with their mother so I have lots of free time. I'm a very confident person in everything I do, I love my holidays abroad and work hard for them. I also love weekends away with a bit of theatre thrown in... looking for that one person who I can have so much fun and laughs with and who is romantic tactile and fun to be with, not after anyone who is boring so please if you want to pot plants every Sunday then you're probably not for me but on the other hand if you want to jump on a plane to Barcelona to see Coldplay or on the spur of the moment fancy going to have a bag of fish & chips sitting on Croyde beach in Devon then yeah I'm game...

Ohhh by the way I've had three messages saying you look like a nice man but your living room looks like it has a woman's touch so thinking I'm a player, I can guarantee that the work is all mine and just because I have the same taste a woman has doesn't make me in a relationship. I'm a single man just with taste lol

Haven't got meet me so just drop me a line and I will message you back...

We come to love that perfect person but not because we see them as perfect but because we see their imperfections perfectly...

life is not measured by the amount of breath's we take but by the moments that take your breath away x



Age: 54 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 49 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 20 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 39 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 23 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 40 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 44 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 46 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 57 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 59 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 25 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom