BBW Admire


38 - Straight

Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

Feb 23, 2014 00:07

I'm super sociable and love to laugh. I like a good conversation and passionate people make me smile. I love to learn new things and can listen for hours to someone talk about things that they love. I try not to judge a book by its cover and I hope people do the same with me. I'm fiercely loyal and I often wear my heart on my sleeve, but I'm really easy going and get on with everyone.
I like to ask people what their favourite silly joke is! I think you can learn a lot about a person from what makes them giggle....for example...

A man walks into a chip shop with a fish under his arm. He says to the girl behind the counter "do you sell fishcakes?"
"of course" replies the girl.
"that's great" says the man, pointing at the fish "its his birthday today"

Haha! Even writing that makes me laugh! My humour can get quite dark at times as well though so as much as I love the eye rolling silly cracker jokes I'm usually the one keeping my friends laughing. If you appreciate the darker side of comedy I'm sure I can make you crack a smile too.

I'm really into my music and it's probably the one thing I couldn't live without. I have a pretty eclectic taste and like so much I wouldn't know where to start to think of my favourite song (or even songs!) or artists. The list would be far too long!

I don't just want a "boyfriend" I really want a best friend who I can't wait to hang out with and have adventures with!!