BBW Admire


42 - Straight

Wisconsin, United States

Jun 12, 2021 01:44

Hi my name is Erica and I am redoing my profile over so here’s the thing so of you guys come to my profile without reading my profile so in this profile I am going to say what I am looking for. I am looking for A long-term relationship that can possibly lead into marriage now keep in mind if this is not what you are looking for do not send me a message because I don’t want my time to be Wasted and I don’t wanna waste your time I’m a good woman out here looking for my partner my best friend I am the type of woman that will stand behind her Man 100% I am a queen and I will be treated such as a queen I will not tolerate disrespect or any type of verbal physical abuse from nobody I am also the type of woman if I give you my number and you decide that you want to wait 4or 6 weeks to call me or text me guess what I’m going to politely tell you I’m not interested and you can keep it moving and note please do not come to me saying that you are looking for friendship with benefits because that would get you turned down to I do not do that one night stands and I do not do hook ups as a woman and a queen I know my worth as a woman so please don’t try to come in my ear telling me what you think I want to hear because that wouldn’t work either and another thing communication and listening is a big deal to me in a relationship if you cannot communicate or listen I would not deal with you because I am not put on this earth to tell you how to be a man you should already know how to be one.



Age: 65 / straight

United States


Age: 45 / straight

United States


Age: 54 / straight

United States


Age: 46 / straight

United States


Age: 66 / straight

United States


Age: 61 / straight

United States


Age: 44 / bi

United States