BBW Admire


43 - Straight

Michigan, United States

Apr 23, 2022 23:46

Hi, I'm Jeremy and you should prepare to be dazzled! If you came here looking for a witty and sarcastic introvert, you my friend have come to the right place. If I paid people to say nice things about me, they would probably say that I'm open, honest, easy to talk to and willing to say stupid things to make you laugh.

Unless I need to concentrate on something you will probably find me listening to music. I’m a huge fan of Pop music and Britney Spears is my favorite singer. Ok, that whole last sentence was a lie. (This is why I have to pay people to say I'm honest) Actually I'm a huge Punk rock fan and these days I listen to it about 90% of the time. (my real favorite band is The Smashing Pumpkins even though they aren’t Punk) I also really love 90’s Alternative rock and 90’s Country. I can be a bit of a music snob and will probably give you s**t for liking a song or a band that I don’t like, but it’s all in good fun.

I’m also a big movie fan. I mostly watch Action movies and Comedies. I love all the Marvel movies,anything with a good sword fight,(Braveheart,300,Gladiator) and anything that makes me laugh.

I’ve recently committed to living a healthier lifestyle. I just try to make healthier food choices and workout about 3 days a week. I've lost 15 pounds so far, but I'm not where I want to be yet. My goal is just to get down to a healthy weight and maintain it, I'm not trying to be a bodybuilder or anything. (I'll probably never have a 6 pack, but I’m hoping for more than my current 1 pack)

The other goal that I'm working on is to learn the guitar. I've actually had a guitar for awhile but could never figure it out. (on the guitar talent scale I score a solid negative 3) My guitar has mostly sat around collecting dust until I recently picked it back up again. I’m hoping to eventually make some beautiful music but for now I'll settle for making some beautiful noise.

I'm here looking for someone special to spend time with and see where things go. A physical attraction is important but honestly to me the most important quality I'm looking for is a natural chemistry. Dating shouldn't feel like a bunch of work so it's important to me that we just kind of "click" with each other. I try to keep things drama free and I'm looking for a woman who does the same. I'm pretty much an open book and willing to answer whatever questions you have so feel free to ask me anything.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading my profile and suffering through all the bad jokes. I hope you were dazzled or at least semi-dazzled. I really hate it when I send a message to someone and never hear anything back, so I will do my best to respond to all decent messages even if it’s just to tell you that I’m not interested and to wish you luck.



Age: 36 / straight

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Age: 43 / straight

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Age: 62 / straight

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