BBW Admire


30 - Straight

Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Aug 8, 2014 22:08

Hi, Im Sophs! I love to have a laugh, Life is way to short
to not always atleast trying to be smiling and laughing! I
like to think I have a wicked sense of humour. I am pretty
laid back, Not a lot bothers me. Im not your girly girl. I
detest pink and I am more into my motorbikes and cars than
anything else! I love anything to do with cars and
motorbikes, Speedway, Banger racing, Trials riding,
Drifting, Car shows ect. I am a huge music person. My taste
is a little varied, But at heart I am a rock and metal girl!
I am a huge animal nut too, I love anything to do with
animals..Unless theres a spider...then I run a mile! I love
cooking, I find it very relaxing and love exploring with new
flavours...Yet to give anyone food poisoning! Bonus right? I
like to chill out with a few friends when I get the time,
Specially during the summer in the beer garden with a pint!
I grew up in and around Norfolk, So I guess I am a proper
carrot cruncher right? I like to think I am quite a bubbly
and friendly person.