BBW Admire


40 - Straight

Nebraska, United States

Aug 26, 2014 23:39

It's been hard for me to find a good match, although I was in a relationship for 8 years. I love technology, but feel that social media and this near constant state of being connected wears me out. I like to come home and still have something to talk about with my significant other, rather than being in constant contact all day. There's something to be said for face-to-face interactions versus overly simplistic, deceptive communications such as incessant texting.

I'm not here for one-time hook-ups. I'm here to find a playmate for life's adventures. Intellect is a huge turn on, as are cleverness and kindness. Egotism is a huge turn off, as are jealousy and power struggles. If you don't like reading or using big words, or using small ones with big meanings, you should probably just keep looking. I'm not what you want. Also, if you're looking to rescue a damsel in distress, you might consider moving on--a Knight in shining armor just shows he's never seen battle. I'm the independent type. I take care of myself. The choice of having a man in my life is not out of necessity, but of wanting to share my life experiences.

I'm fairly laid back and up for anything. I have two cats, who are my furbabies and I love them to death. I've almost always had a dog in my life and love working with them.

I have a Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology. I'm completing a move to the Omaha area and looking to find cool people to hang out with and possibly show me around a bit. I'm originally from Michigan and have been told I have a "Yankee" accent, whatever that means! People from under the bridge in Michigan don't have accents. I grew up on a horse farm in a small farming community, where we rode horses, quads, and went two-tracking/fourwheeling/offroading frequently. Also, being from the "mitten", I enjoy boating and fishing. I am one of those crazy people who loves snow, and even more fun, driving in it!

I listen to all kinds of music, but gravitate towards the symphonic metal genre most. My favorite band of all time is Metallica, and I share a birthday with the late Cliff Burton, may he rest in peace. I have played the tenor saxophone since I was 11 years old.