BBW Admire


33 - Straight

North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Nov 26, 2015 17:58

Hey, I'm John, a 25 year-old author, currently living in Scarborough. (The UK town, not the Canadian suburb.).

I may as well point this out BEFORE I receive the usual negative opinions and insults: I am mildly Anorexic. (If anyone reading this wishes to leave, I do not blame you.).

I'm currently an unpublished author, I have a couple of in-progress works on the FanFiction website, as well as numerous poems and related work on my laptop and plenty of hard copies.

I'll be honest, I've been dealing with depression (among other things...) for a good number of years, now. If that puts anyone off, I'm sorry.

I strive to be a constant gentleman, mild-mannered (unless I'm cracking a joke, because my humour can be pretty crude and twisted, though offence is strictly unintentional.), I try my best to respect everyone, (even though I'm used to being kicked into the gutter, figuratively and literally.) with a smile, courteous nod, though my best friend receives a sarcastically head-shake followed by my trademark smirk.

My seven main passions in life (in no particular order...):


I absolutely despise racism, s*xism and the objectifying of women. I believe in pure equality among all humans. (So what if someone looks different, talks different or is from another country? We're all HUMAN BEINGS.).

I have a heart of gold which I always wear on my sleeve, and I'm as loyal as one human can be to another.

I hope I haven't babbled on too much.

If there's anything more that anyone reading this would like to know, or if anyone would care to chat, send me a message, and I'll do my best to reply as quickly as possible.

Take care, I hope to hear from you soon.