BBW Admire


38 - Straight

Berkshire, United Kingdom

Feb 24, 2015 11:02

Open minded, fun loving girl looking to meet similar guy. Intelligence is a must, I can't stand text talk, so a message such as "u r well fit" probably won't get a reply! Nor will messages without a pic, I like to know who I am talking to.

I am looking to date and see where it goes from there. I love going to the pub with friends, going to the theatre, chilling at home with a dvd. I like to cook and clean but you have to chip in too

I love to travel and have been to some truly amazing places, Vegas and Australia are right up there (but I would say that being half Aussie)

I tend to go for guys who are a few years older than me, not too skinny but there are exceptions to every rule. I like a guy who can make me laugh and doesn't take himself too seriously.

I tore the ligaments in my ankle a while back and since have nerve damage in it. The condition i have is called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and there is no medical cure. So all I can do for now is find the right combo of meds and physio that will help with the pain which is pretty severe. I will not admit defeat, far too stubborn for that So if we were to go on a date I would be on crutches, maybe just the one to not hurt my image too much It also means I can't drive at the moment so ideally would be looking for a guy who could drive otherwise we won't be going too far anytime soon! I know this is a bit of a downer but just like to be upfront with it so you know what you're dealing with

Drop me a message if you are interested. I like to chat a bit here, then on phone or text to get to know each other a bit before meeting. So no time wasters or hang ups over ex girlfriends! Need a clean start with someone of similar ilk! X