BBW Admire


47 - Bi

West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Feb 16, 2015 01:32

Well since this is the place to make a first impression here, I had better not muck it up.

I am fast approaching forty. I am bald and keep my hair cut short, I will shave it one day but I am convinced that if I shave it all off I shall have a pale white ring around my head where the skin has never seen the sun and I am not quite ready to dazzle the world with that yet.
While I am currently overweight I am not shut in the house unable to leave kind of over weight, more - should definitely start doing some exercise one of these days kind of overweight.
I have two children, both girls. My eldest lives in NI with her mother and the youngest aged 11 lives with myself.

During the week I work in an office part-time to fit around school hours. I also write quite a bit. I have a blog - updated monthly, Twitter account - updated rarely, Pinterest - why the heck do I have that?, Facebook - easy way to be nosy about people and I have several published books currently for sale in e-book format. I guess you could say that writing is my main hobby and I am hoping to make it my permanent job.

Sport holds little interest for me and I watch only a few TV shows that I find interesting. I browse the web, read and write to pass my time on an evening and have done so since my youngest reached the age where the only attention she requires from me is at meal times, which leaves me with much spare time at the moment.

My fashion sense is zero, so if you are looking for someone who dresses like a peac**k and knows the difference between high fashion and retro fashion, I am afraid that is not me. I am a man of simple tastes and while I am willing to experiment with various activities and such like, I have little interest in collecting material possessions.

I generally have a pleasant sense of humor and for some reason people can find me pleasant company. I am in no rush to get out and meet people in the flesh, I like to get to know someone first because I am interested in who you are and prefer to get to know people before meeting them.

So... that is it I think. If you want a pretty boy with a full head of hair and rock hard abs, you are looking at the wrong profile and should really have stopped reading this a long time ago. Heck if anyone is still reading at this point, you must be a glutton for punishment. By all means indulge that and send me a message saying hi. I may be shy but I don't bite... often.



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West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


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West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 48 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


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West Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Matt H

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West Yorkshire
United Kingdom

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West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 40 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 20 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 42 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom