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84 - Straight

minesota, United States

Feb 12, 2013 00:06

obsessively analyse every last detail of a project or task. When I am working on a project such as Enactus Leeds Met you will find I can be incredibly particular about the little things such as website formatting and ensuring team development is effective.
2.I prefer to work alone. I have always been a very individual self-directed person who can just go and sit in a room and get on with the work. I don’t mind my own company.
3.I would rather spend my evenings and weekends working then socialising. It may sound sad to say this but I am not really someone who enjoys constant socialising as my university peers do. I would much rather be working on something that helps me in the long term.
4.I am never content with the end result. Not matter how much I want this to be different I simply find I cannot settle for anything less then my best. I am very harsh on myself even when others are being really positive about something I have done.
5.Work never feels like work to me. In addition to the third point in this list I never feel like work (whether that be my university or extracurricular work) feels like work. I am constantly reading journals, books and newspapers because I am fascinated with business.
6.I will always champion an idea I truly believe in – no matter what the cost is. Once in a blue moon I find an idea I am incredibly passionate about. The latest project I am heavily involved in supporting is Enactus because I can see its potential. I give up a lot of free time to work on ideas and projects for Enactus, however in the long run I know it will all be worth it.
7.I don’t always take the time to actively listen to everyone’s ideas. This is something I am constantly working to improve. I can remember a time when I truly believed that others were wrong and I was right. I am much more considerate of others then I was which I think has come with my personal growth in the past few years.