BBW Admire


61 - Straight

New Hampshire, United States

Aug 27, 2015 00:50

I am looking for an old fashioned gentleman who can look past physical imperfections to see the person within. I was recently in a horrible accident which crushed both legs. Fortunately, I have recovered for the most part, but my legs will always be scarred and somewhat disfigured...nothing that dark stockings won't hide...wink. So, if you're still reading, I am college educated, though I'm not working right now. I can't drive since my right leg is still in a cast, but I hope to have a hand powered car soon. I have a 16 year old son who I adore and love to spend time with. I enjoy music, reading, drawing, dogs, coffee, long rides to nowhere, warm fires, cuddling, holding hands, public displays of affection, kissing and just being with someone special. It has been a very long time since a man has put his arms around me. I'm looking for a long term, serious relationship, not a quick hook up, FWB or s*xting friend. I don't swing and I don't share. I also don't use the L word unless I mean it, and ask the same of you. Been hurt by that one before. Are you ready to commit to something special?