BBW Admire


39 - Straight

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Nov 22, 2015 09:11

I would describe myself as a very open minded and unique individual. I'm very funny and sarcastic in a playful kind of way. I'm a hopeless romantic and I will always go above and beyond to make the person that I'm with happy. I'm a very caring and understanding person to those who deserve it and I've also been told that I'm a very good listener too.First and foremost I'm looking for someone who will be the love of my life and my best friend too, someone that I can always depend on and turn to no matter what and who will always be there for me and have my back. I'm looking for someone who will go above and beyond for me and who will do everything in their power to make me happy the same way that I will for them. I'm tired of a relationship where I'm the one doing EVERYTHING to make the other person happy.

Here is a list of some of the words that I would use to describe the kind of person that I'm looking for: Honest, loving, understanding, supportive, funny, sarcastic (in a fun kind of way), trustworthy, cute, playful, romantic, sweet, intelligent, attractive, caring, jealous (I like a little bit of that, I'm not going to lie ), s*xy, nurturing, simple, fun and easy going.

I'm just looking for someone that I can be myself with, someone who will understand and be supportive of me, someone that I can stay in and cuddle and watch movies with or go to the mall for shopping and walk around hand in hand with, go out to dinner and who will be willing to try all different kinds of restaurants with me, go catch a movie, go explore the city, go for a walk in the park, go to the beach, someone who will be willing to try new things and be adventurous with me (my partner in crime )

While I think its important to have some similar interests I don't think its completely necessary to have "everything in common", I think its a very good and healthy thing to have some differences and to be able to introduce each other to new things. I am really into all lines of music but I don't think that whoever I'm with necessarily has to be, just as long as they are respectful of the fact that I am is all that really matters to me.

About me Some of my other interests include learning about different religions and cultures, philosophy, history, art, reading, watching movies and documentaries, I have no favourites kinds like them all but I will watch just about anything, I occasionally enjoy watching sporting events, especially boxing and MMA, health and fitness, resistance training, football ,NFL,basketball and lastly I enjoy cooking trying out new food restaurants and cookouts feel free to OK ask be inquisitive about me PLS thanks for reading



Age: 26 / straight

United Arab Emirates


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