BBW Admire


30 - Straight

Suffolk, United Kingdom

Dec 9, 2015 13:38


I'm 22 and I work ALOT, but it pays. I live on my own, I drive and like to go places when I get a chance! If I get a chance for some free time, I like to spend it with my brothers and chilling, generally with netflix and dominos!

I love cars, motorbikes and anything mechanical! I enjoy cooking, and walking my dog! I'm not gonna be one of those people that says they enjoy going to the gym regularly, because I really don't. However, I do work out at the gym at work occasionally.. I have a manual job so I count that as my workout! Haha! I recently gave up drinking alcohol, but not adverse to the occasional pint!

I have had sh*t luck with men and am on here just to look around, and see who wants to talk?! I'm not a Barbie doll, so please don't expect a girly girl! (I'm also 5"10)

I swear waaaaaay too much, I'm scatty, but I'm logical and realistic and just try my utmost to enjoy life!

People keep asking what my type is? To save you the time, I don't have one. Just the ability to hold a conversation!

Feel free to message me! (No squaddies please!)