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34 - Straight

New Hampshire, United States

Dec 22, 2015 08:04

I recently got my associates degree in liberal studies and am now going for my BA in political science with a minor in economics, I managed to get some grants and other things so I'm very fortunately not in debt. I find science and social sciences very interesting. I find history interesting as well, like that fire was used a million years ago and clothes 50 000 (by studying lice it appears people began using clothes 170 000 years ago actually) etc... I like to hang out with friends, go for walks, cuddle, play guitar, and play soccer or street hockey. Some books I like A Brief History Of Time by Stephen Hawking, Why I Write by George Orwell, Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond, India and Pakistan by Stanley Wolpert, Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, and Surely You're Joking Mr.Feynman by Richard Feynman. With comedy I like Billy Connolly and George Carlin.

Some movies I like are The Batman trilogy, Snatch, Inception, Blow, and My Cousin Vinny. Some bands I like are The Pogues (my father is scottish, not that that makes it better but I have memories of the music), The Proclaimers, Slipknot, Stone Sour, System of a down, Paul Gilbert, Bob Marley, Buckethead, Marilyn Manson, The Cure, Drowning Pool, Dry Kill Logic, U2, Nirvana, Static-X, Pearl Jam, Peter Gabriel, Pink Floyd, Rancid, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I had a seizure about a month ago and have to wait a little bit to get my license back.



Age: 56 / straight

New Hampshire
United States


Age: 56 / straight

New Hampshire
United States


Age: 45 / straight

New Hampshire
United States


Age: 54 / straight

New Hampshire
United States


Age: 59 / straight

New Hampshire
United States


Age: 31 / straight

New Hampshire
United States


Age: 42 / straight

New Hampshire
United States


Age: 50 / straight

New Hampshire
United States


Age: 35 / straight

New Hampshire
United States