BBW Admire
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42 - Bi

Delaware, United States

Jul 4, 2015 15:54

I'm a pretty lucky person. I've got people that love me, a job I like, and a place to live. I would love to move up to a de-lux apartment in the skyyyyyy, but I haven't managed to win the lottery or become independently wealthy, so I make do with what I got. I teach, so I'm pretty sure that my massive paycheck will get me to big money sooner or later.

When I'm not teaching or buying lottery tickets (or making use of my legendary sense of sarcasm) I like to read. I'm a big book nerd, but horrible at book clubs. Reading on a schedule reminds me too much of high school and college. I'm an independent reader, even if that means that I have to buy my own wine.
I'm from Viriginia. I'm an ok cook and eventhough I have a cat I'm fighting the cat lady stereotype. Don't tell my cat though. I'd hate to hurt his feelings. Cats need love too.