BBW Admire


42 - Straight

Oklahoma, United States

Apr 18, 2017 00:23

I am a 5'5", blue-eyed, brown haired, two-tattoo having, ears pierced, contact/glasses wearing, divorced, no children, and plus size 26W BBW looking for a man who can handle my very ample curves. If you're looking for someone who has just a little cushion, keep on looking because I have more than just a little. If you can handle a woman who has extra padding in the hips, butt, and tummy, then I definitely have that to offer. However, plus size doesn't define me as a person. I am smart, funny, kind, fun, witty, honest, loyal, trustworthy, confident, protective, loving, dependable, friendly, and articulate. I love to laugh! I can be stubborn, opinionated, and a little sassy, too. I am an over-achiever and somewhat of a perfectionist. People tell me I am beautiful, but I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so I won't say that I am. My favorite physical feature is my blue eyes. There is so much more to me than what size clothing I wear. When I wear makeup, I feel like I can take on the world. I love to laugh and have fun. It doesn't take much to make me happy and I am very down to earth.

If you're just looking to just pass the time, are a closeted BBW lover and would hide me, are in an open relationship (dating someone else or married), or just want FWB, then I'm not interested. I want someone who isn't ashamed to be seen with me and will treat me right. If you think that just because I am a big woman, that I will settle for anyone that gives me a little attention, then you are wasting your time. I have been divorced for a very long time, so I know how to live without a man. I can and will wait for the right one. I have a lot to offer as long as you will treat me right.

Here is what I am hoping to find in a guy... someone that isn't a horn dog that wants to send me dirty pictures or ask for them from me so that they have new material to get off sexually. I am by no means a prude, but I do have some self respect. I want a man that I can trust and who will have my respect (and will respect me). I want someone who is kind, funny, charming, intelligent, handsome, loyal, faithful, honest, a great personality, and can challenge me. Also, I would like to someday have children of my own, so my man would need to want to have children eventually. I want a man who if we have been talking for a while and seem to be hitting it off, to not just quit talking to me and leave me hanging. If you find that I am not what you want, please be a gentleman about it and tell me. I won't get hurt as bad because I'd rather be told that than wonder why you haven't contacted me. (I have this quirk to where I don't want to be a burden to anyone or bother them when I'm not wanted. I've had enough head games from men to last a lifetime). I don't want a man who has a ton of baggage (strings of ex-wives, criminals, a slew of baby momas, are only "separated" from their spouse. If you have been divorced, I'd prefer that it was because she cheated on you and not because "it just didn't work"). I am drawn to guys that are tall. Ear gauges and facial piercings are a turn off. Men with hair on their head is more attractive to me (probably because my ex shaved his head). I like a man to have a little body hair but not be covered with it. I want a man that is from the United States, mainly because I have a fear of flying and will only go travel if I can get there by car, train, or boat. Until they create an airplane that can guarantee that it won't crash, it's land or sea for me. (Yes, another quirk and I know that there's a greater chance of dying in a car crash, but you are more likely to survive a car crash than a plane crash).

I know this sounds like I am high-maintenance, but I'm attracted to what I am attracted to, just like you are attracted to what you're attracted, too. If you have read all of this, haven't gotten offended in some way, and think you'd like to see if there could be a connection between us, feel free to message me.



Age: 50 / bi

United States


Age: 36 / straight

United States


Age: 42 / straight

United States


Age: 41 / bi

United States